Saturday, May 5, 2007

My cool new Cooler Part 1

"Its a cruel,cruel summer" goes the song sung by Bananarama...and it is so very true...the heat nowadays is unbearable which is all the more terrible now dat i am staying on the 5th floor..hence dat song is constantly on my mind..infact i'm listening to it right now..its so apt for my situation these days...
My dad couldn't bear the heat any longer so he bought two new coolers a few days for my room and one for my brother's..the privilege of AC obviously belonged to my arguments there...period...
As expected both my brother and i were very excited at the prospect of having coolers in our individual rooms and hence we were eagerly waiting for them to arrive...they came at around 9:30 in the night along with my dad..At first i dint understand what it was..later i realised it was indeed my own cooler...the reason i found it strange was that i had never seen such a cooler before..and then my brother teased me that i never know what's the latest in the market..i dint argue...its true..who cares what's new in the market?? well..many do...i dont...i kept that thought to myself...
Both my brother and i had identical coolers but he insisted that his was a little better...he always does this..i pretended that i dint hear way to avoid now finally i could have a decent night's sleep in my room otherwise i literally sit and kill mosquitoes there until i fall asleep which happens really late in the night...
let me give a brief description about my cooler..its from a company called bajaj..and the most interesting feature is that the part from where the air comes rotates in a complete circle..and then there is also a provision for adding ice to it..i'm too lazy to to i never bothered..and some more features which i dont care about..all i need is nice cool long as it is serving this purpose i dont care about anything else...
Anyone who has a cooler knows that the cool air comes at a price...its true in my case coz on the very first day when i was filling it,i went out of the room and forgot about it..BIG mistake!! brother screamed saying that my room has flooded! then it hit me that i was filling the cooler...i slowly went towards my room dreading what was in store for was my worst nightmare..(well not worst..just an exaggeration) there was water everywhere..luckily for room had a balcony so i coolly pushed all the water with a broom there..problem solved..but i remember when my parent's room got flooded like this one day because of the cooler..there was no balcony there...and the situation was so bad that all our bathroom slippers were floating in that water!!i was quite amused at the sight..i was wanting to make paper boats but then decided against it when i saw my mother's a huge task lay in front of us..getting that enormous amount of water out of that looked impossible because i could even see tiny ripples in the water..such was the amount of water there...but then both my mom and i told ourselves that nothing is impossible...

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