Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Blog Dissection.

Most of the bloggers I know are very particular about posting regularly and have a loyal set of followers. Its what popular blogs are all about. Nothing wrong with that, that's the way it should be. What about reluctant bloggers like me? Bloggers can be classified into the following kinds:
1) Good writers with a good publicity.
2) Bad writers with good publicity.
3) Good writers with bad publicity.
4) Bad writers with bad publicity.

Where does that leave mine? To answer this, I was going through the posts of my 'almost' dead and defunct blog. I came up with another set of classification for my posts as follows:
1) "What was I thinking when I wrote that?!.."
2) "Why in the world did I publish this?!.."
3) "Why did I torture my readers with this post?!.."
4) "I could've written it better.."
5) " Grammatically incorrect.."
6) "Proud of this post.."

I once read an article by Jug Suraiya, a columnist and a writer, distinguished for the satire, wit and humor in his writings and who believes in not reading what he has written. He had to attend the book release function of his book and was asked to read a few verses from the book. He said, " I never realized that reading what you have written could be so traumatic, I saw mistakes which funnily escaped my notice previously and were now glaringly visible and I had to read it all aloud." I laughed when I read it then, but now I know what he must have gone through.

Its like watching an embarrassing video of yourself which you never thought was being recorded in the first place. For instance, the cute baby videos that parents take of their baby boy running around naked in the house, picking his nose and blabbering absolute non sense. The poor baby is totally oblivious of the fact that the very video could be used as a means of blackmail later on in his life. Imagine the horror he'll have to go through. Sadist parents.

I was undergoing something similar when I was reading a few of my posts, totally horrified at the stupidity of a few and mundane nature of others. But I also like a few posts of mine. The "Happily Ever After" is a personal favorite, though it has its own glitches when I see it now, but I resisted the urge to correct it. Let it be. There are posts which are so bad that I have had to physically stop my hand from clicking the delete button.

Whatever the posts, good, bad or ugly, they were written with a certain frame of mind at a certain period of time, in the past. The mistakes I made are mine and I'll let it be. This blog is not necessarily a record of the important events in my life nor is it a carelessly written collection of my thoughts.

At the end of it, I don't know if I would want to classify the blog like I earlier mentioned. Lets just say, like I always tell my friends, "We all have a story to tell."
This, is a part of mine.


Labyrinthine said...

Hehe. Being a self-critic is always good. It's okay to hate your blogs! But you ARE a good writer. I loved the title of this post!(maybe more because it has the word "dissection" in it!):D

The Illuminator said...

I was wondering why we are so obsessed with the idea of perfection! I have realized that when I write about things I automatically connect with, I do a much better job than a forced post. And we all have many instances in the day we feel strongly about. It's about spotting the ones which can be opened to public space.

the good blogger with bad publicity

unforgiven said...

The idea behind blogging is to leave all 'these' thoughts behind; just write, good, bad, whatever.

It's when people start worrying about their writing on a 'blog' is when things start to get muddled.

Ankit said...

why have u stopped blogging ..

Unknown said...

i appreciate all the work which is done by a complex yet maverick individual. It's good to get an insight of her mind which is always brimming with ideas and complex yet meaningful thoughts :-)